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MWC24: Regulation & Policy roundup from Day 3

As FWA and sustainability become mainstream for operators, a coalition of tech companies launch a new forum to drive openness in the digital economy

Conference debrief: ETNO-MLex Digital Policy Day

To drive progress against 2030 connectivity targets, like-minded stakeholders urged changes to the EU’s telecoms regulation and its attitude to in-market mergers

MWC23: Regulation & Policy roundup from Day 3

As the conference wound up, attention turned to the nuts and bolts of the industry – namely spectrum

Telecoms and tech get serious about the European Green Deal

The European Green Digital Coalition will help towards meeting the environmental targets for 2050, but the telecoms sector has already made a strong head start

Finland passes law to restrict vendors on security grounds

The law does not single out any particular vendor, and introduces compensation for operators having to replace equipment.

EU Parliament calls for rules on a common charger for portable devices

The Parliament calls on the EC to come up with a proposal by July 2020 at the latest.