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UK Government announces 2G and 3G phase-out by 2033

While sunsets are expected to occur sooner than then, experience shows operators will still face challenges in migrating some customers away from older technologies

Diversifying 5G networks in the UK

An aspiration for 25% of equipment coming from new suppliers by the mid 2020s is a stretch

FCC head wants the US to lead on OpenRAN

OpenRAN has emerged as the frontrunner to drive 5G security and innovation around the world

Major European operators sign a MoU to collaborate on OpenRAN deployment

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefonica, and Vodafone are calling for more political and government support to boost the OpenRAN ecosystem.

US Congress passes bill to fund OpenRAN development

A bipartisan bill establishes a 10-years long grant programme for the development of OpenRAN.