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Australia: Meeting future spectrum demands

There has been a flurry of spectrum-related activities, with the regulator consulting on expiring licences alongside its plan for the use of new frequencies

Updated financial hardship rules in Australia

A new binding standard for telecoms operators is the result of years of work the ACMA has invested into better supporting vulnerable consumers

Australia: New rules to improve safeguards for consumers

Amid continued failings in several areas, a new directly enforceable instrument will give ACMA more powers to better protect customers facing financial hardship

Australia: Protecting consumers in financial hardship

ACMA thinks operators are not doing enough to support those struggling to pay their bills, with many customers also unaware they can turn to their provider for help

MWC23: Regulation & Policy roundup from Day 3

As the conference wound up, attention turned to the nuts and bolts of the industry – namely spectrum

Telstra: Failing vulnerable customers in Australia

With issues of consumer protection under the watchful eye of ACMA, the operator has been found to have dropped the ball on more than one occasion

Australia and New Zealand step up efforts to tackle scams

Given the global nature of the problem, more partnerships between countries and stakeholders will be needed to tackle the problem at source

Improving the treatment of vulnerable customers in Australia

The regulator wants operators to embed how they treat vulnerable customers in their business culture – something it argues hasn’t been done effectively

Australian ISPs push back on claims they misled broadband customers

ISPs are accused of not delivering expected speeds – but current arrangements with the NBN make it difficult to know what they will be for new lines

ACMA to set out expectations for how Australian operators should treat vulnerable customers

ACMA takes a leaf out of Ofcom’s book, requiring operators to improve the training of staff and the monitoring of interactions with vulnerable customers