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EC: Recommendation on subsea cable resilience

Despite ambitions to secure critical communications infrastructure, the EC is likely to come up short in delivering against its proposals

Implementing vendor restrictions: Progress report

Western allies continue to push for Huawei restrictions abroad, even as operators struggle to comply at home 

Compensation for Huawei ‘rip and replace’ in France?

Long-standing relationships have left some operators particularly exposed to the cost of vendor restrictions, with most governments so far disinclined to offer support

Removing Huawei from the UK’s fixed networks

Operators will be relieved the Government hasn’t set a deadline for the complete removal of Huawei from fibre networks, something that could have significantly impacted rollout plans

Diversifying 5G networks in the UK

An aspiration for 25% of equipment coming from new suppliers by the mid 2020s is a stretch

US moves to restrict more Chinese companies

On China and network security, the Biden administration is picking up where Trump left off

FCC head wants the US to lead on OpenRAN

OpenRAN has emerged as the frontrunner to drive 5G security and innovation around the world

UK Parliament Science and Technology Committee warns Government to learn from 5G security risks

The report pours water on the Government’s signalling that OpenRAN is the silver bullet to the problems faced with Huawei.

Sweden’s 2.3GHz and 3.5GHz 5G auction comes to an end raising $277m

The PTS completed the auction of the 2.3GHz and 3.5GHz bands in just one day, which had been delayed due to appeals from Huawei.

Major European operators sign a MoU to collaborate on OpenRAN deployment

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefonica, and Vodafone are calling for more political and government support to boost the OpenRAN ecosystem.