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TikTok on the clock

Neither a sale nor a ban of the app seem likely in the 270-day timeline given the firm’s pledge to challenge the measure in court

UK/US AI safety partnership

As the UK and US draw closer in alignment on their approaches to AI safety, more countries have moved to consider the competition implications of the emerging technology’s boom

EC launches its first DMA investigations

While the focus on self-preferencing and steering of users’ choices is unsurprising, the EC is likely to face familiar criticism over its repeated attempts to address well-worn complaints

European Parliament's endorsement of SEP regulation

Facing strong opposition from rights holders, the EC’s controversial proposal has cleared one hurdle but must now secure Member States’ support

The World v. Apple

While the firm faces a lawsuit over its position in the device market in the US, it’s weathering increasing pressure from European regulators over its app store practices

Regulating disinformation under the EU’s DSA

The new guidelines complement a series of policies introduced by big tech firms to address disinformation ahead of 2024 elections around the world

MWC24 (final) reflections

The event saw regulation and policy dominate keynote sessions and panels, with AI the biggest buzz on the showfloor

MWC24: Regulation & Policy roundup from Day 3

As FWA and sustainability become mainstream for operators, a coalition of tech companies launch a new forum to drive openness in the digital economy

Event debrief: FT-Google on AI

While Member States were at work finalising their adoption of the AI Act, policy and industry leaders discussed the near and medium-term future of AI in the EU

Apple's plans for DMA compliance

The compliance moves were met with concerns from major developers as the other five designated gatekeepers also prepare for the full implementation of the DMA in March