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Mobile market consolidation in the US

T-Mobile claims acquiring UScellular will boost competition, but M&A in such a concentrated market will attract scrutiny over the potential effects on pricing and consumers

US: FCC issues fines for privacy violations

New legislative proposals on data privacy would transfer the regulation of privacy in the telecoms sector to the FTC but bring the US closer in alignment to its peers

MWC24: Regulation & Policy roundup from Day 3

As FWA and sustainability become mainstream for operators, a coalition of tech companies launch a new forum to drive openness in the digital economy

US operators face obstacles in using the C-Band for 5G

Safety concerns raised by the aviation industry are delaying Verizon & AT&T’s deployments after these operators collectively paid $70bn to use the spectrum

German regulator reports on local 5G networks one year after launch

BNetzA has awarded 88 permits for local broadband networks in the 3.7–3.8GHz band.

US National Advertising Review Board asks AT&T and Verizon to change their 5G ads

Challenges brought up by T-Mobile and AT&T force changes to the way 5G is advertised and described.