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Canada: Regulating wholesale access to fibre

The incumbent slashes network investment in response to the CRTC’s decision to require wholesale aggregated access to FTTH networks for competitors

Canada’s controversial new content law

The Government may follow Australia in regulating negotiations between platforms and news businesses, with its experience over the past two years providing some helpful lessons

Canada seeks to improve choice and affordability through MVNOs

With the Government blocking an outright acquisition of Shaw by Rogers, the parties still need to persuade competition authorities that a deal should be allowed

Placing consumers at the heart of Canada’s new telecoms policy

The proposed direction seeks to promote affordability as the Government’s top priority and position the issue at the forefront of telecoms policymaking

Elsewhere in regulation this week

Other noteworthy regulatory developments week ending 16 April 2021 from the Assembly Analyst team

Canada proposes legislation to regulate online streaming services

The new legislation will require online broadcasters to invest in Canadian content and creators.

Canadian Government directs mobile operators to lower retail prices

The Government expects MNOs to reduce prices by 25% in two years on their mid-range plans.

Canadian regulator lowers wholesale broadband rates

Canadian regulator lowers wholesale broadband rates

The CRTC has ruled steep reductions in regulated access and capacity rates.