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Interim report on barriers to uptake of gigabit-capable broadband in the UK

The report sets out the barriers faced by UK consumers and business when it comes to adopting gigabit-capable broadband.

An advisory body to DCMS: The Gigabit Take-up Advisory Group (GigaTAG) is an advisory group to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The DCMS asked consumer body Which?, the Confederation of British Industry, and the Federation of Small Businesses to convene an advisory group to drive consumer and business uptake of gigabit-capable broadband.

What are the barriers to adopting gigabit broadband? On 18 December 2020, GigaTAG published an interim report outlining the barriers currently facing UK consumers and businesses in the adoption of gigabit-capable broadband. For both businesses and consumers, the main barriers are a lack of understanding of gigabit broadband, and the little perceived benefit. Consumers also highlight the hassle of switching and affordability. For businesses, there is a lack of skills and resources to navigate the broadband market and to adopt faster connections effectively.

Next steps: The report proposes possible solutions to overcome the barriers, such as information campaigns and targeted voucher schemes. GigaTAG is seeking input on the report by 5 February 2021, and will make recommendations to DCMS during Q2 2021.