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Canada proposes legislation to regulate online streaming services

The new legislation will require online broadcasters to invest in Canadian content and creators.

The outcome of a two-year review: The outcome The Canadian Government has engaged in a review of broadcasting rules since June 2018. On 3 November 2020, the Government proposed changes to the country’s Broadcasting Act, with a view to regulate audio and video online streaming services for the first time.

More powers to the CRTC: The main objective of the proposal is to ensure online broadcasters contribute to the Canadian broadcasting system, and to give new powers to the telecoms and broadcasting regulator, the CRTC, to keep up with technological changes. Online broadcasting will be included in the scope of the Act, and the CRTC would have flexibility to decide which services will be regulated.

Online companies will have to invest in local content: The bill requires broadcasters to invest in Canadian content and creators. The Government estimates that it could result in online broadcasters being required to invest more than CAD800m in local content by 2023.