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Germany's digital awakening

Germany has laid out plans for a ‘digital awakening’, with targets for full fibre broadband and ubiquitous 5G coverage. To achieve it, the country will need to push through various regulatory and planning reforms. Some think its too little, too late.

Also in the briefing:

Developments in consumer protection

Following a major outage of the Rogers network in Canada, the Government has demanded telcos take immediate action to improve resilience and reliability, to better cooperate, and even to provide national roaming in the event of future network failures

Where next for the UK’s Online Safety Bill?

The UK's 'world leading' attempt to make online a safer place to be is on hold. Some see this pause as a chance to slim down the legislation into something less complex, easier to understand and ultimately easier to police

Mobile market dynamics in Belgium

Belgium's recent multi-band auction saw spectrum reserved for a new fourth entrant. As some European operators push for consolidation, we consider the potential implications for the market and for regulators elsewhere in the region