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Ofcom’s review of net neutrality in the UK

The regulator has responded to operator calls for more flexibility, with its proposed approach to zero-rating signalling a departure from the EU

Germany ends zero-rating: the rest of the EU will follow

The regulator has moved before new guidelines from BEREC are finalised. Zero-rating now look set to be a forgotten practice across the EU

An end to zero-rating in the EU?

BEREC’s rewriting of the net neutrality guidelines could severely limit operators’ commercial practices

BEREC to rewrite the net neutrality guidelines

The recent rulings of the European Court of Justice caught regulators by surprise. It is now likely that zero-rating will be significantly restricted in the EU

Net neutrality up for debate in the UK

Prompted by calls from operators, and in light of Brexit, could the UK chart a different course when it comes to the open internet?

ECJ limits operators' use of zero rating

The ECJ ruled on a case in Hungary, confirming that zero-rated services have to stop once a user’s data allowance has been used up.

BEREC updates its net neutrality guidelines

The guidelines remain largely unchanged compared to the 2016 ones, with some clarifications added relating to 5G and specialised services.

Dutch regulator finds ISPs’ traffic management meets net neutrality rules

The ACM published a handbook with the results of its study, and some guidance for ISPs to ensure their traffic management techniques are compliant with net neutrality rules.

US Congress introduces net neutrality bill

US Congress introduces net neutrality bill

The ‘Save The Internet’ act aims to restate the key principles of net neutrality.

T-Mobile Netherlands wins appeal against zero-rating ruling

T-Mobile Netherlands wins appeal against zero-rating ruling

The District Court of Rotterdam rejected an appeal from a digital rights association.