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European Commission introduces Data Governance Act

The Regulation will introduce data intermediaries, and allow data sharing on a voluntary basis.

A key part of the EC’s Data Strategy: In February 2020, the EC introduced its Data Strategy, which created sectoral ‘data spaces’ so that data in nine key sectors could be pooled and made available to businesses. As part of the strategy, the EC pledged to propose a data governance framework by Q4 2020.

A new model based on data intermediaries: On 25 November, the EC introduced the Data Governance Act. The new framework would create data intermediaries to organise data sharing and pooling. These intermediaries would be subject to neutrality rules, meaning they cannot deal in data on their own by selling it to other companies or developing their own products.

The EC introduces the concept of ‘data altruism’: Data sharing would be on a voluntary basis, and organisations sharing their data would be able to register as a ‘Data Altruism Organisation recognised in the EU’. The proposal will now be discussed by the European Parliament and by the European Council, before an agreement is reached on the final text.