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Elsewhere in regulation this week

Other noteworthy regulatory developments week ending 23 April 2021 from the Assembly Analyst team

Measures to eliminate mobile blindspots in rural areas and along roads, plus changes to planning laws were announced by the DCMS in the UK. Masts could soon be five metres taller and two metres wider than current rules permit and building-based masts can be placed nearer to the roadside. The hope is that fewer, taller masts will protect the countryside, but also create opportunities for the rural economy and unlock the potential of 5G. The changes are being consulted on until 14 June 2021.

In Australia, the ACMA has completed the allocation of 26GHz mmWave spectrum. The auction proved quite a success – 358 out of the 360 regional lots available were allocated, for a total revenue of AUD648m (USD500m) equivalent to 0.00982 $/MHz/pop. This is on the high end by international comparison, considering that operators in Finland, Greece, and Italy paid between 0.002 and 0.003 $/MHz/pop for the same airwaves. Licences will last 15 years, until 2036.