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Event debrief: UK Future Spectrum Policy Summit

As panellists reflected on WRC-23, discussion also looked ahead at the implications of satellite connectivity and the launch of 6G for spectrum management

Key outcomes from WRC-23

The conference delivered a broadly positive result for the mobile industry, especially in Europe, although much of spectrum’s ‘low-hanging fruit’ has now been picked

MWC23: Regulation & Policy roundup from Day 1

Predictably, fair share dominated most of the opening day’s sessions, with renewed calls for consolidation a close second

ITU launches global platform to protect telecommunication networks during COVID-19

The platform will facilitate the sharing of resources and best practices between policymakers, regulators, and other stakeholders.

ITU identifies additional spectrum bands for 5G

ITU identifies additional spectrum bands for 5G

The World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 identified 17.25GHz of spectrum for 5G across five bands, compared to 1.9GHz available before.

ITU issues Recommendation on a collaborative framework with OTTs

ITU issues Recommendation on a collaborative framework with OTTs

The Recommendation recognises the complementary contribution of OTT and telecoms to innovation and investment.