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Potential changes to the UK’s Electronic Communications Code

The UK Government has launched a consultation to change the rules on access to land to help operators deploy digital infrastructure.

Changes are needed despite recent reforms: On 27 January 2021, the UK Government opened a consultation on changes to the Electronic Communications Code, which regulates access to public and private land for the deployment of digital infrastructure. The code was already subject to reform in 2017. However, operators have continued to face obstacles, with access agreements often taking a long time to complete. This affects operators’ ability to improve mobile coverage and deploy gigabit broadband.

What will be the focus of the consultation? The consultation will explore ways in which negotiations between landowners and operators can be made faster. It also proposes reviewing automatic rights which can be used when, for example, a phone mast needs to be upgraded to 5G or shared between operators. The Government is also seeking input on what happens at the end of agreements, and how they can be renewed.

A move welcomed by operators: The consortium of UK mobile operators, Mobile UK, welcomed the consultation, in which it will ask for amendments to remove financial disincentives for landowners to renew agreements.
