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Mobile network sharing guidelines approved in the Netherlands

The ACM sets out the conditions under which operators can collaborate for more efficient rollout of mobile networks

More coordination between MNOs in acquiring sites: Operators are encouraged to coordinate when searching and acquiring locations for their new sites, to overcome the scarcity caused by the growth in the number of antennas and the decreasing availability of sites. The ACM does not expect this to impact competition at the retail level, because operators offer their services independently and have different rollout strategies.

How will the ACM examine spectrum leases? The new Telecommunications Act will allow operators to lease spectrum. In deciding whether spectrum can be leased, the ACM will consider factors such as the type of spectrum, the terms of the licence, short-term and long-term effects on competition, and the impact on other operators and MVNOs. The ACM believes renting out spectrum to local providers could lead to increased innovation and competition.

2G and 3G national roaming could happen: Roaming agreements between operators’ 2G and 3G networks will generally be allowed. This should give consumers and M2M devices more time to migrate to 4G and 5G when an operator eventually shuts down its 2G or 3G network.
