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Finnish 26GHz auction comes to an end

The Finnish regulator awarded three spectrum lots to three participants, and will open the lower part of the band to local networks.

Background: In February 2020, the Finnish regulator TRAFICOM opened a consultation on the award of three lots of 800MHz each in the 26GHz band. The rules were finalised in April 2020, with a view to hold the auction on 8 June 2020. This is the second auction of 5G spectrum in the country, following the 3.5GHz auction of 2018. 

A blazing-fast process: On 8 June 2020, the regulator opened and closed the auction in the space of a few hours, after each of the three participants (Elisa, Telia, and DNA) obtained one 800MHz lot for the reserve price of €7m. No operator could obtain more than one lot in the auction, which contributed to a speedy allocation. The licences will be valid for 13 years, from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2033. There are no coverage obligations attached, although operators need to start using the spectrum within two years of the award.

More spectrum for local networks on the way: In setting out the conditions for the award, TRAFICOM and the Government decided not to set out a sharing framework for the band. However, 850MHz in the lower part of the band (24.25–25.1GHz) will be reserved for the deployment of local networks. The government is currently in the process of setting out the rules for these local deployments.