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Chile prepares for 5G spectrum award

Subtel published the tender documents for the award of spectrum across four bands.

A beauty contest across four bands: On 17 August 2020, the Subsecretariat of Telecommunications (Subtel) finalised the tender process for the award of spectrum across the 700MHz, 2.1GHz, 3.5GHz, and 26GHz bands. As was the case with previous awards in the country, the spectrum will be assigned through a beauty contest in October 2020.

A focus on telemedicine: One of the key aspects of the award is the creation of a ‘public-private’ digital ecosystem, through the requirement for the operators to connect ministries, municipalities, universities (which will be granted experimental 5G networks) and hospitals (with a view to develop telemedicine).

No coverage obligations for rural areas: Subtel was criticised by some consumer advocacy bodies, such as Conadecus, for failing to attach coverage obligations for rural areas to the 700MHz spectrum. Subtel officials responded that the 5G auction will not be a tool to reduce the digital divide in the country, which they believe will be better addressed through fibre deployment rather than mobile infrastructure.