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BEREC seeks views on the role of regulation in enabling 5G ecosystem

BEREC is seeking comments from businesses and organisations who are interested in, or planning to utilise 5G connectivity, in order to ensure that regulation is not a barrier to innovative services.

What is BEREC consulting on? EU regulatory agency BEREC is inviting comments from businesses and organisations about the impact 5G might have on regulation. BEREC said it wants to ensure that regulation is not a barrier to innovative services. The report to come from the comments will be the first step in identifying responsibilities to be addressed by BEREC and other authorities over the next three years. The idea is to also anticipate any changes to regulations that may be required to keep pace with innovation.

Things BEREC is considering: The regulatory aspects they are currently seeking comments on is the result of brainstorming sessions within the BEREC Working Group Planning & Future Trends. The list is not exhaustive, but include familiar issues such as privacy, security, QoS, numbering and roaming.

What about use cases? One aspect in particular BEREC is keen to hear more on, is the potential use cases for 5G across a range of industry sectors. What are the currently identified use cases? Which other important use cases should be studied, due to for instance different regulatory needs?

Next steps: BEREC is accepting responses until 2 September 2019. Input from stakeholders will be used to help inform the report that is being prepared. From 11 December 2019 stakeholders will be invited to respond to the consultation of that report, to share their views on the impact of 5G on regulation, and to the role of regulation in enabling the 5G ecosystem.