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Austria completes auction of 5G spectrum in the 3.4–3.8GHz band

The RTR awarded rights in the 3.4–3.8GHz band.

Background: The Austrian regulator RTR commenced the auction of 390MHz of spectrum in the 3.4–3.8GHz band on 27 February 2019. Licences are regional to facilitate the entry of local broadband providers in the market.

How it ended: The auction raised a total €188m. The three main MNOs (A1 Telekom, Hutchison Drei, and T-Mobile) all won lots between 100MHz and 140MHz across all regions. Four local operators won regional lots between 30MHz and 80MHz (MASS Response in one region, LI-West and Holding Graz in two regions, Salzburg AG in three regions). A1 Telekom was the biggest spender (€64m) whereas MASS Response paid €1.8m for a 30MHz regional lot.

What’s coming next: These licences are valid for 20 years, until the end of 2039. Coverage obligations apply, and vary depending on spectrum range and region. In the meantime, operators will have to get ready for a multi-band award, scheduled to take place in Q1 2020 across the 700MHz, 1.5GHz, and 2.1GHz bands.